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Submitted by: Joe Koehler
April 27, 2009
Everyone wants to know what to do to prevent getting swine flu and how to keep it from infiltrating their businesses, homes and public places. The recent outbreak, which appears to have started in Mexico, is believed to have infected hundreds and killed dozens in just the last few days.
The CDC advises that anyone suspected of having the associated symptoms stay home and consult with their doctor. Do not return to work or school until 48 hours after your symptoms are gone. If your symptoms are severe, then go to a hospital but otherwise, they would prefer that you stay home to avoid spreading the disease to others in the hospital. Currently, the CDC does not believe that the general public needs to wear protective face masks at this time.
To prevent the spread within your home, business, schools or in public places, the CDC recommends that everyone practice good hygiene which includes frequent washing of the hands or use of instant hand sanitizers. An ideal choice for hand sanitizer would include one that lasts more than an instant. One problem with alcohol based products is that it stops working immediately after it evaporates. SkinWear, which contains no alcohol lasts for up to 8 hours which, given the current need for constant vigilance and protection is a smart choice.
Equally important, to prevent the transmission of the disease to others one should use an EPA approved hard surface cleaner. PureGreen24, powered by SDC, meets the recommendations by the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) for infection control for care of patients with confirmed or suspected Swine Influenza A (H1N1) virus in both home and healthcare settings.
PureGreen24 is quite unique because it is safe enough to use on children s toys and cribs (with no rinse required) but strong enough to kills MRSA, staph and all the rest.
Symptoms are the same as regular influenza including fever, lethargy, loss of appetite and coughing. Some people report runny noses, sore throats, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The youngest, oldest and people with compromised health are those at the highest risk.
Various populations, because of the nature of their professions are at higher risk as well. Those who work with large, transient populations are thought to be at higher risk. That could include chiropractors and physical therapist because they work with out the protection of rubber gloves. Bankers who hand currency may be at increased risk as well. As documented earlier, in January 2009 Reuters report indicates that banknotes may be harboring the common flu virus. Reports in the Journal Applied and Environmental Microbiology indicate that human influenza viruses can survive on currency for as long as 17 days.
It is not practical for bankers and tellers to wash their hands after each transaction, nor is it advisable to use an alchol based product 100 times a day. Again, that is why we recommend PureGreen24 to disinfect the desk tops, key boards, phone, door knobs and exam tables. The SkinWear product, which is on sale at http://jshygiene.com is prefect because it will offer you protection for up to 8 hours. In general, the flu is passed hand to hand, and self-inoculated through the membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth.
About the Author: J&S Hygiene
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