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By Kathy Wilson
Lets face it, we all need more room in our kitchens! One of the easiest ways to free up cabinet space is by hanging a pot rack from the ceiling to store all your bulky pots and pans. Pot racks run upwards of $150 even at the online discount shops! Here is an easy way to make a sturdy pot rack for your kitchen for less than $15. Photos of this project can be found at http://www.decoratingyoursmallspace.com/how_to_make_pot_rack.html
Non pressure treated 2×4 lumber
3 inch wood screws
Length of chain form the home improvement shop
Screw Hooks
Paint or Stain
Cut two pieces of lumber to your desired pot rack length, and two in your desired width. If you are hanging it over a counter or island, make it slightly smaller than the countertop.
Using your drill, screw the four pieces into a square or rectangle shape.
Now measure across the width of the frame from inside to inside. This is the measurement for the cross beams Remember, measure twice, cut once! I recommend at least three cross beams for strength. Screw the cross beams in from the side at regular intervals.
Add screw hooks to each corner on the top of the rack.
Paint or stain as desired.
Finding studs in your ceiling, screw in four heavy duty screw hooks to approximately coordinate with the screw hooks in the top of the pot rack.
Add chain, and hang! If there is no counter beneath the pot rack, be sure to hang it high enough to prevent bumped heads! You may add as many screw hooks to the pot rack as desired to store all your pots and pans, and store lids, baskets and bowls on the top. Or, you can simply stack your pots on the top surface, as I do.
You may add further decoration to your pot rack by adding fabric tubes to cover the chain, silk or dried flowers or hang braids of garlic or strings of peppers. I soaked an inexpensive grapevine wreath overnight in water, then cut it apart and wrapped it around the rack. I added several sprays of springtime silk flowers. The flowers can be changed out with the seasons.
Almost as simple as making a box, it looks great and adds tons of storage space to the kitchen!
About the Author:
Kathy Wilson is a home and garden writer and is the home decorating expert for LifetimeTV.com. Visit her for more home and garden ideas at TheBudgetDecorator.com or TheGardenGlove.com
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